John Pennington Jr our Snohomish County Dept of Emergency Management was convicted of Domestic Violence/Harassment in 2007. At which time his concealed weapons permit & right…
Pennington Divorce
Pennington using sealed court records to obtain no contact orders
Here is another story about another woman that Mr Pennington beat so badly that he put her in the hospital & she is still terrified…
John E Pennington criminal record/misuse of time Snohomish County D.E.M.
Public records are a powerful thing ESPECIALLY when the people in charge so blatantly conspire against it’s own citizens on the county dime & as…
DEM Conducting Personal business on county time
Here is the second case in Snohomish County ~ again there are hundreds of pages but I am adding 40 pages for now & will…
SnoCo's Dept of Emergency Management John E Pennington
There are many stories about this man, some seem too strange to be true, so we are going to break down each one 1) Pennington…
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