Supreme Court Must be Worried About Something…

I see this from time to time but usually I keep my mouth shut about it

7 Dec 14:51:36 IE 10.0 Win7 Olympia, Washington,
Administrative Office Of The Courts (
Anne Block Archives – Snohomish County Reporter
7 Dec 14:51:35 IE 10.0 Win7 Olympia, Washington,
Administrative Office Of The Courts (
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7 Dec 14:47:41 IE 10.0 Win7 Olympia, Washington,
Administrative Office Of The Courts (
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7 Dec 14:47:41 IE 10.0 Win7 1309×818 Olympia, Washington,
Administrative Office Of The Courts (
Who is Anne Block? What makes her “tick”? – Snohomish County Reporter

So any notion you have ever had about the “impartiality of the Judiciary” is just that: A notion
In case you didn’t know the only regulating agency the Washington State Bar Association has is the Supreme Court and they are about as corrupt as the Bar actually more so since it is the “Supremes” who give the WSBA the license to break any law they want to.
Here is just one example of one of their “Witch Hunts”

This was supposed to be a hearing for Anne Block to disparage and disbar her at the direction of wife beating child abusing deviant John Pennington (who is also the man who gave the green light to build on Steelhead causing the death of dozens of people because his diploma mill education wasn’t enough to qualify him to make that assessment or to even be in his position) Nevermind he spent most of his days filing orders against anyone he thought had threatened his man hood… so pretty much any woman he has ever come across.
Him and his thieving wife showed up to bad mouth Ms Block UNTIL he got a good look at the audience and realized that one of his former victims was there to speak also and he went running to someone at the Bar and they promptly shut down the meeting lynching and ran for the hills.
Why not; one of the Board of Governor’s is a child molester too,  just smirking away, and you know what they say – Like kind attracts like kind.
Maybe the Supreme Courts and all of the Washington State Courts should remember that even though they have perverted the Public Records Act to hide behind it, there are still certain records that aren’t subject to their corrupt rulings
Wait for it….

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