Snohomish County Housecleaning

Well it seems that Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers has been doing some deep cleaning in Snohomish County these are some of the people that have been let go


Brian Lewis Executive Public Records Specialist

Brian Lewis - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-10-44
Linda Carl Admin Assistant to Deputy County Executive

Linda Carl - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-13-35
Stephen Clifton Executive Director at Snohomish County

(Mr Clifton has accepted a temp position with the council)

Clifton Stephen - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-19-33 Stephen Clifton - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-18-59
Lenda Crawford Snohomish County Deputy Executive

Snohomish Times Newspaper- New Snohomish County Deputy Executive 2016-01-14 02-25-41
Lisa Dulude Energy & Environmental Sustainability Manager

Lisa Dulude - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-29-09
Rebecca Hover Director of Communications

Rebecca Hover - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-31-00
Shawna Ousse Internship Program Development Human Resources

Shawna Ousse - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-42-56
Tanja Outlaw Snohomish County Executive Assistant

Latanja Outlaw - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-54-00
Loren Sand interim executive director

lenda crawford snohomish county - Google Search 2016-01-13 11-21-13
Clay White planning director

Clay White - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-04-49
John Pennington Emergency Management Department Director

John E Pennington snohomish county - Google Search 2016-01-14 03-12-28
Gage Andrews Information Services Director

Gage Andrews - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-04-49

The new people include:

Sharon Johnson who has taken over Brian Lewis’ position

The following people have been retained and all taken to the new County Exec’s Office

Marica Isenberg Interim Deputy Executive
Susan Neely Executive Director
Eric Parks Executive Chief of Staff
Cecilia Wilson Executive Assistant to County Executive


Other newcomers include

Kent Patton Communications Director
after some investitgation into Mr Patton’s background as a campaign director we are hoping that his position will soon be filled by someone who doesn’t “plays politics” like Kevin Hulten. It seems that Mr Patton made a valiant attempt to distance himself from this part of his employment history but once we received a tip we were able to definitively match him up to this incident and to being fired from the Sheriff’s Office

Local News - Reichert aide buys up other candidate's Web domain name as joke - Seattle Times Newspaper 2016-01-18 08-31-13 The Seattle Times- Eastside News- Reichert campaigner quits over attack ads 2016-01-18 08-25-09

Kendee Yamaguchi  Director of Economic Development
If Ms Yamaguchi’s tenure starts to go south in Snohomish County I don’t think we have much to worry about as she doesn’t seem to stay in any place for very long

Kendee Yamaguchi joins Inslee office - Northwest Asian Weekly - 2016-01-18 10-57-11 Meet Director of Digital Engagement Kendee Yamaguchi - Brainstorm 2016-01-18 10-28-25

Oh and we had another legislative analyst that moved into a vacant position

John Amos Interim County Finance Director was Sr. Legislative Analyst

John Amos - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 03-21-18
Jason Biermann Interim Director of Emergency Management

(We are hoping that Mr Biermann is retained since he seemed to be the only one who could stand up to Mr Pennington and he already has a great relationship with the local towns and cities and other vendors. If he doesn’t stay in this position we hope that they will consider Mr Marcus Dereyin who helped tremendously behind the scenes during the Oso tragedy)

Jason Biermann - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 03-18-01
Randy Manley Interim Dept of Info Services Manager

Randy Manley - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 03-38-51

There is a few other stragglers from the Reardon/Lovick plague that are still milling around and we will be investigating as to why they are still there.

The rest of the bad actors are elected by the people who don’t thoroughly investigate who they are voting for which hurts all of the citizens of this county and state: but we’ll be working on getting rid of them

Snohomish County Housecleaning

Well it seems that Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers has been doing some deep cleaning in Snohomish County

Brian Lewis Executive Public Records Specialist

Brian Lewis - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-10-44
Linda Carl Admin Assistant to Deputy County Executive

Linda Carl - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-13-35
Stephen Clifton Executive Director at Snohomish County

Clifton Stephen - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-19-33 Stephen Clifton - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-18-59
Lenda Crawford Snohomish County Deputy Executive

Snohomish Times Newspaper- New Snohomish County Deputy Executive 2016-01-14 02-25-41
Lisa Dulude Energy & Environmental Sustainability Manager

Lisa Dulude - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-29-09
Rebecca Hover Director of Communications

Rebecca Hover - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-31-00
Shawna Ousse Internship Program Development Human Resources

Shawna Ousse - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-42-56
Tanja Outlaw Snohomish County Executive Assistant

Latanja Outlaw - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-54-00
Loren Sand interim executive director

lenda crawford snohomish county - Google Search 2016-01-13 11-21-13
Clay White planning director

Clay White - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-04-49
John Pennington Emergency Management Department Director

John E Pennington snohomish county - Google Search 2016-01-14 03-12-28
Gage Andrews Information Services Director

Gage Andrews - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 02-04-49
Sharon Johnson has taken over Brian Lewis’ position
The following people have been retained and all taken to the new County Exec’s Office
Marica Isenberg Interim Deputy Executive
Susan Neely Executive Director
Ericks Parks Executive Chief of Staff
Cecilia Wilson Executive Assistant to County Executive
Other newcomers include
Kent Patton Communications Director
Kendee Yamaguchi  Director of Economic Development
Oh and we had another legislative analyst that moved into a vacant position
John Amos Interim County Finance Director was Sr. Legislative Analyst

John Amos - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 03-21-18
Jason Biermann interim Director of Emergency Management

Jason Biermann - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 03-18-01
Randy Manley

Randy Manley - LinkedIn 2016-01-14 03-38-51

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