Rose Marie Adams Beutler Landers Moon

I have had so many folks contact me about this woman that I decided to compile everything in one post. The most important thing I can tell you is to stay as far away from this woman as you possibly can.

I am also getting numerous requests for information about two of her cohorts, Christine James, and Ginger Luke so I will create separate posts for them as well.

The only thing I may be missing is when she goes after people she has a peculiar habit of posting 100’s of ads a day on craigslist about them. It is actually quite amazing how fast she does this.

I had my go round with her so I am not in any way unbiased. She is a train wreck of a creature and where ever she goes misery is sure to follow. Seems that she is up to her old tricks again. I don’t have the time to answer all the questions there are about this woman so please consider this the go-to for any questions you may have.

I just wrote about her attempting to take over another seniors home and bank account last year

1st off there is her extensive criminal history to consider, 71 criminal charges, 44 different restraining orders, somewhere close to 15 evictions.

She is protected because she lies about people and then testifies against them in court, as such she is one of this state’s most “protected witnesses” she gets a good deal of her money from this and her criminal background is never disclosed to those she is testifying against.

She uses the restraining orders after she has ruined someone’s life so badly that they want to beat her to a pulp OR if someone lets her stay with them, she will get one to get them out of their house or apartment so she can take over the place, or even to separate the family from a senior she is trying to drain the bank account of.

Here is her criminal record

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There are the four children that she lost at 2 separate times for beating on them, and the child she sold

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Other lies she has told and her general crazy

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I have written over 40 stories about her over the past 6 years but here are the most relevant ones


Let’s pretend I had a real attorney… Rose Adams statement 

Okay so if I had a REAL lawyer let’s just pretend I did let’s take a look at the statement from the borderline personality narcissistic nut job here. I have written numbers on the lines so we can keep it straight, you might have to blow it up to see it, not sure how this…

Just in case this were to “Disappear”

I was reminded that all my stalker has to do is erase or close down her page & that will cover her & I was advised to copy & paste the page in it’s entirety here to protect myself & to show her pattern of abuse that spans over the years, so here it is,…


Rose Adams Beutler Moon.

This is the beauty of this case finally being over at the Municipal level!!! I can finally tell you about these people, who they are, what they have done, & what they are capable of… So let’s start with the city’s main witness. Rose Marie, Landers, Beutler, Adams, or Moon or any variation of the…

Meet my stalker psycho… (Part 1)

Okay this is going to be incredibly long, because the lady who has been tormenting me, that has lied about me & had the gall to lie on the stand under oath in a court of law. All of this I LEARNED FROM HER, so let’s see how she likes her own can of crazy…

On to Rose Adams AKA Beutler’s record & mental evaluations (Part 2)

This is where I say the sick mind of this woman becomes fascinating: She is an expert at working the system, I realize my mistake when she was up on the stand lying through her teeth, if I would’ve kept her on the stand she would’ve eventually blown her top but I was so flabberghasted…

Appellate’s Brief for my case:

So here we go: I said I would post this for everyone… I have already filed it & sent it to the City, it should be on their desk bright & early tomorrow morning. Sorry but my documents always fall apart when I post them here so Appeal Brief for you to download for yourself! BRANDIA…

RECAP: Of my situation for our new followers

Short Version (kind of) 2000 I move to Everett & am harassed so badly about my dogs I gave them away for their own safety, AC officer actually walks into my house to try to snatch my dogs. My dogs were pit bulls & they HATE pit bulls in Everett, they have what is called…

Strange Bedfellows… Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?

Some things are just so weird that they actually make perfect sense: I just got an email telling me that Ginger is now doing adoption events at Sierra Pets & Fish… Makes perfect sense: They used to sell puppy mill dogs, she buys puppy mill dogs. The weird part is that this is the place…


So here is what the city of Everett’s Star witnesses are up to lately

This is just sad, the people who lied about me in court have racked up 48 new charges. These are the kind of people who I am trying to defend myself against & the kind of people that the City of Everett protects & uses to gain convictions. Like kind to like kind  I’ve…

UPDATE: My Case (so far)

I am 1 day away from my appellate hearing in Superior Court. So far: 1) I have not received the transcripts 2) I have not received a copy of my attorney’s brief 3) I have not received a copy of the city’s brief 4) I have not received any of the records I requested 5)…

Rose Marie Adams-Beutler animal abuse & filthy conditions caught on tape

There are things in life you can ALWAYS depend on. I keep telling everyone that EVERYTHING that Rose Marie Adams (Beutler) accuses me of is something she is doing, has done or is guilty of… She accuses me of having “numerous” evictions: She has over 20 of them She accuses me of having a major…

There comes a time when you push a person too far…. Rose

Okay someone posted something on craigslist in reference to my Youtube videos of Rose Adams FILTHY conditions at her home & her abuse of her & fostered animals. Not my problem I made a complaint to the animal agency in her area, they are doing nothing. What is my problem is that the stupid ignorant…

I hope the city of Everett idiots are wetting themselves: They should be

Okay now if everyone here remembers I told you that the city of Everett employees are actually responsible for everything that they’ve done. So not only is the city in the county and the state liable but they are as well. So basically they’re all sitting in their own piles of crap right this moment.…

Rose Adams dog fight caught on tape, the prosecutor is protecting her & the police do NOTHING

For those of you been following the situation with Rose Marie Adams I have some really bad news. There is videos posted of the horrific dogfight that happened yesterday and we tried to get everybody to share the videos which they did but the prosecutor for the city of Edmonds refused to do anything about…

Rose Marie Adams finally thrown in jail for horrific abuse of animals

First off I would like to thank the entire world wide web, but mostly I would like to thank Rose Adams son, even though at times it put him in mortal danger he still stood up & did what was right for the dogs. I have been trying to tell people for years what a…

Sometimes a win is not a win… Rose Adams might walk off scott free

As of now Rose Adams is in custody but only being charged with 2 misdemeanor charges of Animal Cruelty, that is a sham. The city is simply filing fluff charges to shut us up. She is on welfare & social security & one of the provisions of that law is that she can claim an…

Updates for everyone on the Rose Adams case

First & most importantly: 1) Sadie has been released from the vet’s office & is recovering at Adix Bed & Bath 2) Brownie the main dog attacking her is still being treated for his injuries 3) The other dogs are at Adix as well & they are being well cared for. In answer to the…

18,750 People Spoke: The Snohomish County Prosecutor told us all to piss up a rope.

I want you to look at this video I want you to hear Sadie’s screams as she violently attacked by 3 other dogs, she has no way out, she can not escape the tearing of her flesh, she does not even try to fight back as she is grabbed by her throat & shaken like…

Answers about my case & how Rose Adams arrest will affect it.

I have had thousands (literally) of people asking me how Rose’s arrest will affect my ongoing case in Everett because of the lies that her, Christine James & Ginger Luke told about me. I am now on my way to the state Appellate courts, so there I might stand a chance once real judges &…

So how did Sadie & the other dogs fall through the cracks? What about George?

I have hundreds of people asking me: How did this happen? Why were these dogs allowed to suffer for so long? You have to understand how adept at “working the system” that Rose Adams is to understand it. She has been doing it so long & is so good at it that it is a…

Welcome to Edmonds Wa.~ “Picture Perfect ~ Animal Abusers Welcome here!

This is what the CITY OF EDMONDS represents. YEARS of animal abuse, torture, suffering & neglect while animal control stood by & did nothing I mean Sadie must’ve somehow deserved this: This is perfectly legal in the City. As a matter of fact you will be rewarded for your abuse…. Hey the city will even…

Federal Bureau of Investigation ~ Protecting child & animal abusers in a town near you

I swear if this was a snake I’d been a rotten corpse by now ~ those things that hide in plain sight just like a blond blue eyed Native… I managed to get 210 pages scanned, downloaded & then uploaded today, but I still have to redact a lot of info from each page: So…


Everett’s “Star” Witness Rose Adams ~ Same scumbag different house

Originally posted on Snohomish County Reporter:
So I got a phone call tonight to watch the news, channel 4 was doing a story about squatters trashing a neighbor hood. I don’t actually get channel 4 here so I went on line… So what to my wondering eyes does appear? A light blue challenger, a light…

Rose Adams to serve 16 days in jail & possess no animals for 2 years. To be retried!

After YEARS of trying to clear my name, & save the dogs Rose Adams has been torturing for years, it has come to this. The dogs are safe & now all the jerks that tried to destroy me or believed this woman’s crap are going to be paying, via their pocketbooks. I have been working…

If all of this is not enough you can visit my YouTube Channel and see the numerous videos of Rose Adams animal abuse