Obituaries & Memorials

I recently lost my nephew, my son, & my baby sister within a 10 month period. One funeral is costly enough but 3 is devastating beyond explanation.
My mother wanted to place an obituary & was quoted a price of almost 600.00 via the Seattle Times, at a time when we were trying to sell our cars & anything of value just to get a casket & a burial plot. So she was not listed anywhere except for the death notices listed by the Seattle PI (atleast they did that much)
So that was it: her life summed up in an incomplete sentence, the same for my son & my nephew. I created a blog where folks could post free obituaries before I thought of creating this paper.
We will be posting Obituaries here for free, if you can’t afford anything then please don’t worry about it. If you can make a small donation we would appreciate it. Money should not be the reason you can or can not honor a loved one.
We will also be posting Memorials & are going to request a donation for them but only what you can afford, again if you can not afford it please don’t worry.
So here is the “catch”, (there is always a catch) You must write them yourself & send them to us at we don’t have a person dedicated to just writing them as we are a community newspaper. Please send any pictures as attachments so we can get it posted as soon as possible. There is no “line limit” there is no “word limit” although we ask that you keep it down to 3 to 5 pictures.
We will be featuring several areas
1) Obituaries
2) Memorials
3) Veteran’s Memorial & Obituaries
4) Infants & Stillborn’s Memorial & Obituaries
5) Pet Obituaries & Memorials
The loss of a pet or a child in-utero is not given the importance it deserves, it is often said “You can get another….” or “You can have more kids” that is the cruelest things that can be said. It was that child you had all of your hopes & dreams on, or that pet that was closer to you then most of your friends & family.

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