It Took Decades, But, We Finally Have a Shelter Manager Who is Not a Sadist

This bit of Heavenly news comes from My Everett News

New Manager Named At Everett Animal Shelter


That’s not news, we were pretty sure we were going to get rid of the current manager. For the last few months my stomach has been in knots because I didn’t know who would be next in line to torture these poor animals.

Then my daily mail alert came from My Everett News (you can sign up for daily alerts there too) and I literally cried for sheer joy.

Glynis Frederiksen has been a staple in the Rescue/Shelter Community for years. I have not always agreed with her policies or ideas but I have always known that her first priority has always been the animals’ welfare.

She is also a brilliant networker so we will see her reaching out to other shelters and rescues in order to make the City of Everett Shelter a model of what it should have been.

For the first time in almost 16 years that I have been fighting for myself and the animals in Snohomish County I will sleep well tonight and the weekly nightmares will subside, & if that sounds melodramatic: if you had seen the horrors I have seen or been through what I have with these people you would know what hell feels like.

So to all the people who stuck by the animals and stayed at that shelter just to try to give some small measure of comfort to the ones murdered daily: Your hard work and heartbreak has finally paid off.

Moving forward this will not bring back the 10’s of thousands of animals who died under the control of Bud Wesman and Shannon Johnson but we now have hope the ones who will come in the future.

(On a side note: Ms Frederiksen will protect the public in regards to the Korean Dogs, she will make sure they are properly socialized and assessed before they are let loose on the public)
