For the Love of Sophie

Sophie had many faces




Soffie hunt


Sophie Princess




walk no way



No matter what you called her she was nothing but pure love wrapped in fur with farts that could peel the paint and a snore that could knock the paint chips off.

She didn’t remember or seem to care that she came to me from a backyard breeder with 4 dead pups rotting inside her. She expected to be spoiled, she knew her station in life was to be waited on hand and foot and she protested very loudly when her needs and whims were not met by all those who should serve her.

Anyone who has had a Bully breed knows they are the closest thing to humans there are (although I expect anyone who is owned by any breed would say the same) down to having temper tantrums.

I remember many a time while my Sophie and my human daughter would fight, yes I said fight as in argue, and the human daughter never won, ever. This is the aftermath of one of those arguments: NO ONE takes Sophie’s side of the couch. (Yes that is fingernail polish, it was her favorite color)


Her favorite job was as the baby sitter, she firmly believed all babies were hers to love and protect


No matter how much she was loved and spoiled cancer didn’t care, it came like a cruel thief stealing her one day at a time.

A decision no person should ever have to make becomes inevitable…

Thursday when we woke up there seemed to be no comforting my little Princess, when I picked her up she merely groaned and I knew this was the day that I would have to make a decision for her that would destroy my life too

As I laid there on the cold cement floor with her at the vet’s office and held her as close as I could I could feel her life leave her body as the pink liquid took effect. I cried out so loud I am sure that all the Heaven’s heard my heart shatter as she left.

So now I wait to bring her ashes home, she has been properly blessed and her spirit is probably frolicking down the good red road with her little puppies falling in right behind her on their way to our home, but in this place, on this earth there is only pain

Goodbye Princess