Follow up on our Duvall – Pennington Investigation

A citizen has shared a very disturbing response to a public records request that she made to the city of Duvall for some records regarding the city’s communication with Mr and Mrs Pennington including Sgt Lori Batiot and Mayor Iborshof.

Most disturbing is the following statement

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Pennington:

This department has received a Public Disclosure request for a police record that involves you and information that might not be in the public interest and might be substantially and irreparably damaging to you if released.


Here is our original story which explains the some of what is happening there

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations crosses county lines

In my records I found something very strange but I didn’t really think anything of it until now.

History: Mr Pennington’s last wife was a Duvall City Councilwoman, she had to flee her home to escape Mr Pennington’s abuse.

In the meantime he was stalking her, and hiding his guns at a friend’s house after repeated attempts by the police dept to seize the guns and ammunition.

Steven Mills Pennington Guns001

A man Skylar Hansen who made a failed attempt to grab her council seat got wind of the fact that she was staying outside the Duvall city limits (courtesy of Mr Pennington), and filed a petition to have her removed and he got press over it thanks to Christopher Schwartzen, one of former county exec Reardon’s henchmen. Schwartzen was a former journalist with ties to the media still so he was very successful at “controlling the message”

That is just what the city of Duvall needs is a council member who takes the time to attack a woman who is being beaten and abused so he can further his own interests. Champ of a guy that he is.

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Mr Pennington’s attorney filed a request for a special prosecutor, who then brings on the firm of Kenyon Disend who are usually involved in everything related to the corruption going on in the county. Magically after they are assigned and Mr Pennington meets with the Duvall city Mayor his charges get obscured into oblivion. Those were the charges for pushing his then wife Anne down the stairs weeks before she was due to deliver

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So Mr Pennington is meeting the Mayor in secret and not wanting his wife to find out? Shortly after this Pennington’s charges were dropped, Anne resigned from the council and Kenyon Disend got the city contract. Pretty shady… Plus he was using his county email and doing this on county time.

I am still trying to find out what might be substantially and irreparably damaging to the Pennington’s if released. We’ll let you know as soon as we find out.




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