These are the people you may never see (if you’re lucky) they are the Snohomish County Court Clerks. They issue and recall warrants, and make…
Understanding SnoCo Government
The Morally Bankrupt in Charge of Our Liberties Pennington – Batiot
Just when you think it can’t get any worse: It does. I follow the a certain citizen’s situation quite closely because a lot of the same…
Is Violence Always the Answer? For Mark Ericks the SnoCo Deputy Exec it is
I wonder if Dave Gossett knows how lucky he was that he got out of SnoCo before Ericks went after him the way he went…
Oso and Pacific NW Float Trips
The families and survivors of the Oso slide have suffered such a profound loss that most of the world can not even fathom it. The…
Ron Gipson Everett City Councilman waste of tax dollars
Ron Gipson is a career politician and corrections officer at the Denny Youth Center and the leading force behind more than a few sexual harassment…
Understanding Law Enforcement in SnoCo
Some of my readers have had run in with the police all over the county, including myself, some deserved it, some didn’t some were treated…
Kevin Hulten Campaigning during work hours
Here is just one example of the use of time for county resources that was going on under Reardon’s watch. We received these records from a…
Kevin Hulten Aide to Aaron Reardon
We all seen the news of Kevin Hulten being sentenced for destroying public records, most folks thought it was a “sweetheart deal” and it was.…
Understanding Snohomish County and City's Government
In order for our readers to understand who we are writing about and understand their relationships we are going to be writing a series of…
Making Some Sense of the Franklin Sex Abuse Scandal… Well Sort of
I do not like stories that make no sense, or that are wrapped in so much whoopdy woo that you can’t make heads or tails…
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