Announcing: Rants and Raves


Let’s hear for all of the volunteers who helped with the homeless counts all through out the state

Don’t forget all the people who went out and volunteered to help find a lost little boy including police, search and rescue, and the good people of Monroe


So a cop walks into a donut shop…. yes they do, and they congregate at Starbucks too. Why because most of the time they don’t get time to have a full meal and they are in desperate need of a quick boost of energy to keep up with their shift so they can face that next call with kids crying in the corner and some woman’s face that looks more like hamburger then a face, or having to go knock at a door to tell some wife or parent that their family is never coming home again.

Disclaimer: Yes some cops are horrible people but they are the exception not the norm and if you are in trouble they are the first one’s you call, they get paid squat and still show up everyday. They work a case to it’s end on the prosecutors desk until the prosecutor screws it up