Accused Sex Offender Stephen Canter Using Head Start As His Address

Stephen Canter who was busted earlier last year in a Washington State Patrol Sting is using for his home address a commercial property that houses – Head Start.

Even after an “address verification” from the courts, somehow they managed to miss this tiny little fact.

This document is his address verification

This is the summons sent to him to appear in court, at the address of 12811 8th Ave W Everett

If the voters continue to vote for the same prosecutors, sheriff’s and judges that we have always had we are going to continue to get what we’ve had.

Let’s hope Mark Roe’s office doesn’t blow this case and that they finally go interview the other victims that they’ve known about for over a year now.

In the meantime if you see any of these 2 people pictured above please be very careful of your young children and let law enforcement know you’ve seen them.
