September 09, 2015 Eastern District of Washington (509) 353-2767 SPOKANE, WA—Michael C. Ormsby, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Washington, announced that Kenneth…
Kim Davis the Un-Hero….
Religion is the biggest bane on society that there ever has been in all of history. This country was built on the foundation of religious…
Presidential Candidate: Bernie Sanders
The Snohomish County Reporter is refraining from endorsing any candidate but our readers still want to know what issues and what platform the candidates are…
Drug Testing May Be Needed For County and City Leaders
I can not come up with any other conclusion, the city and county leaders must be on some type of mind altering substance. In a…
King Lovick v. King Stephanson
Found this little gem on My Everett News Executive Lovick Kills Downtown Everett Courthouse Plan, Blames City of Everett Basically King Lovick thinks King Stephanson…
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