3 Children found locked up in filthy home

According to all of the news outlets three children were found in a filthy home, one almost hypothermic, same story different drug addicts. The infant was hypothermic, all of the children were padlocked in the house.

These are the faces of the people who could do this to a child ~ Mark Dorson & Amanda Foley


Here is a more in-depth story from KIRO 7

This falls right in line with the alarming new statistics about the level of drug abuse that has taken hold all throughout Snohomish County.

This is only 1 story about 3 children that we know about: How many more are living in the same squalor somewhere else?

While children suffer, while the mentally ill go untreated, while drug addicts go untreated your brilliant county executive John Lovick’s answer to that is: Let’s build a shiny new courthouse so we can lock them all up.

Seriously, why would he spend any money on much needed services if he can use that same money to build a place to warehouse them all? He’ll keep CPS, the parole, probation, court services, judges, & cops in a job.

Meanwhile the children in training to fill up his fancy new jail suffer… because you voted for this guy

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